Supported modules
Clients. You can create clients with the following fields:
name | text | Owner’s name |
Surnames | text | Owner’s surname |
nif | text | NIF / DNI / CIF |
text | Email Address / Email | |
street | text | Name of the owner’s address |
number | text | Owner’s address number |
plant | numerical | Floor number of the owner’s address |
door | text | Owner’s address door |
ladder | text | Ladder of the owner’s address |
Cp | text | Zip code |
locality | text | Locality / City |
province | text | Province |
Country | text | Owner’s country |
nationality | text | Nationality |
phone1 | numerical | Main phone |
phone2 | numerical | Another phone |
phone3 | numerical | Another phone |
datenacimiento | date | Birth Date (Format 1984-09-05 23:25:00) |
high-client | date | Owner’s registration date |
text | Facebook Address | |
Spouse | text | Spouse’s Name |
conemail | text | Spouse’s Email Address |
connif | text | Spouse’s NIF |
commercial key | numerical | Unique identifier of the salesperson |
nonewsletters | numerical | Newsletters: 0 Activated without confirmation – 1 Not desired – 2 Confirmed customer – 3 Confirmed office – 4 Not marked – 5 Not delivered |
gesauto | numerical | Automatic management: 0 Unmarked – 1 Activated without confirmation – 2 Confirmed office – 3 Confirmed customer – 4 Does not want – 5 Confirmed portal |
shippingauto | Boolean | Enable the customer to be sent emails automatically (as long as it does not conflict with the gesauto field) |
cod_cli | numerical | Unique identifier |
cod_ofer | numerical | Unique identifier of the linked property |
name | text | Owner’s name |
Surnames | text | Owner’s surname |
nif | text | NIF / DNI / CIF |
text | Email Address / Email | |
street | text | Name of the owner’s address |
number | text | Owner’s address number |
plant | numerical | Floor number of the owner’s address |
door | text | Owner’s address door |
ladder | text | Ladder of the owner’s address |
Cp | text | Zip code |
locality | text | Locality / City |
province | text | Province |
Country | text | Owner’s country |
nationality | text | Nationality |
phone1 | numerical | Main phone |
phone2 | numerical | Another phone |
phone3 | numerical | Another phone |
datenacimiento | date | Birth Date (Format 1984-09-05 23:25:00) |
high-client | date | Owner’s registration date |
text | Facebook Address | |
Spouse | text | Spouse’s Name |
conemail | text | Spouse’s Email Address |
connif | text | Spouse’s NIF |
adaptedminus | Boolean | Adapted PMR (People with Reduced Mobility) |
water | Boolean | Water |
aircentral | Boolean | Central air |
aire_con | Boolean | Air conditioning |
alarm | Boolean | Alarm |
fire alarm | Boolean | Fire alarm |
alarmrobo | Boolean | Theft alarm |
alta_exclusiva | date | Exclusive start date (Format 2018-06-05 18:30:15) |
attic | numerical | Attic |
heighttecho | numerical | Ceiling height |
Age | numerical | Year of construction |
apartseparado | Boolean | Separate apartment |
Trees | Boolean | Trees |
arma_empo | Boolean | Wardrobe |
lift | Boolean | Lift |
Toilets | numerical | Toilets |
baja_exclusiva | date | Exclusive end date (Format 2018-06-05 18:30:15) |
Balcony | Boolean | Balcony |
banyos | numerical | Bathrooms |
bar | Boolean | Bar |
barbecue | Boolean | Barbecue |
attic | Boolean | Attic |
Safe | Boolean | Safe |
Heating | Boolean | Heating |
heatingentral | Boolean | Central heating |
street | text | Address |
centros_comerciales | Boolean | Shopping malls |
cesioncom | numerical | Assignment Fee |
chimney | Boolean | Chimney |
cocina_inde | numerical | Independent kitchen |
Commission | numerical | Commission |
community included | Boolean | If the community fee is included |
Conservation | enum | Conservation / Property Status |
contacted by | text | Means by which the property has been contacted/captured |
Cp | text | Zip code |
depoagua | Boolean | Water tank |
Softener | Boolean | Softener |
German description | text | Description in German |
descriptioncatalan | text | Description in Catalan |
Descriptions | text | Description in Spanish/Spanish |
descriptionfrances | text | Description in French |
descriptions | text | Description in English |
russian description | text | Description in Russian |
pantry | Boolean | Pantry |
outstanding | Boolean | Featured property for the web |
diaphanous | Boolean | Diaphanous |
distmar | numerical | Distance to the sea (in meters) |
electro | numerical | Kitchen equipped with appliances |
emissionsletra | text | Emissions (Letter of the emission certificate) |
emissionsvalue | numerical | Emissions (value in Kg CO2/m2) |
energetic | text | Energy (Letter of the energy certificate) |
energy received | numerical | Status of the energy certificate |
energyvalue | numerical | Energy (consumption in KW h/m2) |
oninternet | enum | Send to the web and / or real estate portals |
bank | numerical | Bank |
ladder | text | Address (Escalera) |
statusfiche | enum | Property Status |
excludes | Boolean | The property is exclusive |
date | date | Registration date (Format 2018-06-05 18:30:15) |
dateact | date | Date of last update (Format 2018-06-05 18:30:15) |
datemod | date | Date Modified (Format 2018-06-05 18:30:15) |
Gallery | Boolean | Gallery |
garagedouble | Boolean | Double garage |
gascity | Boolean | City gas |
gastos_com | numerical | Community fee |
gymnasium | Boolean | Gymnasium |
habdobles | numerical | Double rooms |
Rooms | numerical | Simple rooms |
habjuegos | Boolean | Games room |
haycartel | Boolean | Has a sale/rental sign placed |
hydromassage | Boolean | Hydromassage |
hilomusical | Boolean | Piped music |
jacuzzi | Boolean | Jacuzzi |
garden | Boolean | Garden |
keyacci | enum | Type of operation |
keycalle | enum | Type of track |
keycarpin | enum | Type of carpentry |
keycarpinext | enum | Type of exterior carpentry |
keyelectricity | enum | Type of electrical installation |
keyfachada | enum | Type of façade |
keyori | enum | Property orientation |
keysuelo | enum | Soil type |
keytecho | enum | Roof type |
key_loca | enum | Locality/city code. (See: Enums – Cities) |
key_tipo | enum | Property type. (See: Enums – Type Properties) |
key_zona | enum | Area code. (See: Enums – Zones) |
latitude | numerical | Coordinate (Latitude) |
Laundry | Boolean | Laundry |
linea_tlf | Boolean | Phone line |
longitude | numerical | Coordinate (Length) |
luminous | Boolean | Luminous |
light | Boolean | Light |
balcony | Boolean | Balcony |
freight elevator | Boolean | Freight elevator |
furniture | Boolean | Furniture |
m_altillo | numerical | Meters from the loft |
m_cocina | numerical | Meters from the kitchen |
m_comedor | numerical | Meters from the dining room |
m_cons | numerical | Built meters |
m_fachada | numerical | Meters from the façade |
m_parcela | numerical | Meters from the plot |
m_sotano | numerical | Basement meters |
m_terraza | numerical | Meters from the terrace |
m_utiles | numerical | Useful meters |
unavailable | Boolean | If the property is not available |
number | text | Address (Portal Number) |
numllave | text | Keychain number |
numplanta | numerical | Address (Total number of floors) |
Observation | text | Remarks |
ojobuey | Boolean | Portholes |
optionbuy | Boolean | The property has an option to buy |
Outlet | numerical | Previous price of the property (in case it has been reduced) |
car park | numerical | Car park |
patio | Boolean | Patio |
pergola | Boolean | Pergola |
piscina_com | Boolean | Communal pool |
piscina_prop | Boolean | Own pool |
plant | numerical | Address (Floor number) |
plaza_gara | numerical | Garage space |
porceniva | numerical | Percentage of VAT |
pricealq | numerical | Rental Price |
priceinmo | numerical | Property price for real estate |
price | numerical | PRICE VAT |
preinstaacc | Boolean | Pre-installation of air conditioning |
preinsthmusi | Boolean | Pre-installation of piped music |
primera_linea | Boolean | If you are on the front line |
prospectus | Boolean | Indicates whether the property is a prospect |
door | text | Address (Gate) |
automatic doors | Boolean | Automatic doors |
puerta_blin | Boolean | Armored door |
rcatastral | text | Cadastral data (Cadastral reference) |
rdirfinca | text | Cadastral data (Address of the property) |
Ref | text | Property reference (Must be unique to each property) |
registration | text | Cadastral data (Registry) |
rfolio | numerical | Cadastral data (Folio) |
irrigationauto | Boolean | Automatic irrigation |
rletra | text | Cadastral data (Letter) |
rbook | numerical | Cadastral data (Book) |
rnumero | numerical | Cadastral data (Number) |
rnumeroinscr | numerical | Cadastral data (Registration number) |
rtomo | numerical | Cadastral data (Volume) |
Living room | numerical | Living room |
satellite | Boolean | Satellite |
sauna | Boolean | Sauna |
solarium | Boolean | Solarium |
Basement | Boolean | Basement |
tbano | text | Bathroom description |
tcocina | text | Description of the kitchen |
tennis | Boolean | Own tennis court |
teniscom | Boolean | Community tennis court |
terrace | Boolean | Terrace |
terrazaacris | Boolean | Glazed terrace |
tfachada | text | Description of the façade |
tinterior | text | Description of the interior |
monthly type | text | Periodicity of the rental |
titleGerman | text | Title in German |
titlecatalan | text | Degree in Catalan |
titles | text | Degree in Spanish/Spanish |
frenchtitling | text | Degree in French |
titleingles | text | Title in English |
titray | text | Title in Russian |
todoext | Boolean | All exterior |
Storage | Boolean | Storage |
three-phase | Boolean | Three-phase electrical system |
TV | Boolean | Television |
urlprospect | text | URL of the prospect captured |
fence | Boolean | Fence |
Locker rooms | Boolean | Locker rooms |
video_port | Boolean | Video intercom |
vistasalmar | Boolean | It has sea views |
zone | text | If key_zona is not submitted, the name of the zone can be submitted here. |
child areas | Boolean | Children’s areas |
Photos | object | It must be an object that contains the urls of the photographs. |