Botcamp Clientify Inmovilla Pagina

Integra Clientify <> Inmovilla

Manage your Inmovilla contacts in Clientify.

The contacts you acquire in Clientify and with whom you interact to carry out the pre-sale in your company, you can manage them from the Inmovilla management software, to manage them within your real estate operations.

You will need a Clientify Enterprise and Inmovilla payment account.


  • Synchronization of Clientify > Inmovilla Contacts
  • These contacts updated in Inmovilla will be passed to Clientify.
  • Clientify > Inmovilla daily synchronization
  • Most recent contact prevails from one platform to another.


  • Send spouse from Inmovilla to Clientify.
  • Synchronization of Claims will not be available due to Inmovilla’s limitation.

Please note

  • Inmovilla needs a phone number in order to create a contact. If it does not exist, a 0 number will be created.
  • A custom field will be created in Clientify called inmovilla_id
  • You need to generate your agency’s token from Inmovilla by going to Settings > Options > Token for API Rest

Clientify: CRM Marketing Automation

Clientify is a marketing tool for customer relationship management. One of Clientify’s functionalities is contact management, as it allows you to import contacts from social networks and later interact with them within the tool, such as creating tasks, holding meetings, etc.

In Clientify we also find Email Marketing functionalities, automations, Landing Page, Contact Forms, Social Media and sales tools.

It is important for businesses to capture sales opportunities and in Clientify you can carry out a complete sales process with customers, checking whether or not the sale was closed or those involved.

Inmovilla: Real Estate Management Software

Inmovilla is a very intuitive real estate software. It is one of the most complete software in the market, with unique utilities and functionalities.

With Inmovilla you can publish your properties in more than 30 free real estate portals automatically. Inmovilla manages for you the publication of your properties saving you the time it took to contact each one of them.

Inmovilla thinks of everything so that users can find their future home or sell theirs from anywhere in the world. It is prepared with a very easy to use panel and with a very professional design.

Manage your Inmovilla contacts in Clientify.  The contacts you acquire in Clientify and with whom you interact to carry out the pre-sale in your company, you can manage them from the Inmovilla management software, …

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