This is the documentation for our Shopify integration with Holded.

Get Shopify API Key

In order to programmatically connect to Shopify, we need two pieces of information:

  • Store name: https://{store_name}
  • API Key.

Get API for access Development

1 ) Create a Shopify Partner account with the same store account.

2 ) From the admin control panel choose applications from the menu on the left.

3 ) Click on “Develop Applications for your store” on the right side, then choose “Create Application”.Choose the previously created Shopify Partners account as developer.

4 ) The application settings will open, choose , settings -> API access control panel -> give the necessary permissions, save the changes.

Api Access

5 ) Choose next tab, API Credentials -> Access Tokens -> Install Application

Api Token

6) On this screen we will have: API Token (write it down correctly, it only appears once), API Key, API Secret Key, which will be necessary to access the API

Api Data

7 ) The request should look like this:

https://{API Key}:{API Secret Key}I}@{Shop name}{Version API}/{endpoint}



  • Connection with Shopify.

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