Conecta Clientify Con Holded

Connect Clientify with Holded

Manage your Clientify contacts with Holded. 

The contacts that you acquire in Clientify and with whom you interact to carry out pre-sale in your company, you can manage them from the Holded management software, to manage the necessary invoices among many other things. 


  • Sync Two-way Contacts
  • Automation every 15 minutes Holded > Clientify
  • Hook Hook Clientify would be sent to Holded each time there is a change
  • Synchronization 2 entities: Contacts – Company

For the future we will find the synchronization of budgets and products between Holded and Clientify. 

Clientify: Marketing Tool

Clientify is a marketing tool for managing customer relationships. One of the features of Clientify is the management of contacts, since it allows you to import contacts from social networks and later interact with them within the tool, such as creating tasks, holding meetings, etc. 

In Clientify we also find Email Marketing functionalities, automations, Landing Page, Contact Forms, Social Media and sales tools. 

It is important for businesses to capture sales opportunities and in Clientify you can carry out a complete sales process with customers, checking whether or not the sale was closed or those involved. 

Holded: A Management Software

Holded is a software that concentrates all the management of the company, that is, invoicing, accounting, projects, CRM, human resources and inventory management. 

Using Holded will make everything in your company easier and more productive, as it allows you to increase sales, reduce expenses and be more productive. It adapts to the needs of your company and its handling is very simple. 

Among the advantages that Holded brings to your company are planning, administrative tasks and you can even store data in the cloud and share it with other devices. 

With Holded the cumbersome work of having the data in Excel folders, by hand or in numerous files is over, since it organizes everything in one place.