Skip to content= 2.2.1 =
- Fixed: Shipping and Fee items not imported correctly.
= 2.2.0 =
- Added Series number.
- Column in orders for Holded document.
- Added widget in order to send to Holded or update to Holded.
- Added send order with items fee.
- Fixed: Error not sending order with free shipping item.
- Fixed: Dates with invoices depends if you force the order or create by completed order.
- Fixed: Calculation of taxes.
- Fixed: Country code sent to Holded.
- Fixed: Saves product options taxes.
= 2.1.2 =
- Fix: Prevents table sync not created.
- Fix: Some clients have less lenght in key products.
= 2.1.1 =
- Fix: Blank filter not working.
- Fix: Error importing products in database.
= 2.1.0 =
- New Admin design.
- Protected folder invoice.
- Order columns for API.
- Added option for Categories as attribute.
- Fix: error message order.
- Fix: Shipping order cost fixed not implemented in order.
- Fix: Fatal error no products in automation.
- Fix: Faster manual sync.
- Fix: Errors in PHP8.
- Premium Fix: Shipping order info updated.
- Premium Fix: Fix not importing variables products.
= 2.0 =
- Removed Freemius as engine sell.
- Removed Support to Easy Digital Downloads.
- Add Tags as list (separated with commas).
- Add VAT Info in checkout.
- Option to Company field in checkout.
- PRO: Add PDF generated from Holded.
- PRO: Better sync management WooCommerce Action Scheduler .
- Refactoring code from free and fremium.
- Select design in document held.
= 1.4 =
- Option to not create document if order is free.
= 1.3 =
- Sync orders to Holded (Premium) automatically and force manually for past orders.
- Sync Pack products to Holded (Premium).
- Fix: Attributes duplicated in variation product not imported.
- Fix: Categories not imported in simple products.
= 1.2 =
- Automate your synchronization!.
- Fixed SkU saved for EDD.
- Better meta value in search for SKU.
- Fixed API pagination Holded (Thanks to itSerra).
- SKU variation fix (Thanks to itSerra).
= 1.1 =
- Fixed bug where the entire list of products was not imported.
- Compatibility with Easy Digital Downloads to import simple products.
- [Premium] imports files from image from Holded to WooCommerce and EDD.
= 1.0 =
- Improved sync log.
- Better consistency between Holded API and WooCommerce.
- Refactored sync engine.
- Implemented Premium process.
- [Premium] Category import.
- [Premium] Variable product import.
= 0.2 =
- Freemius library implemented.
- First implementation for premium product.
= 0.1 =
Item added to cart.
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